Our Hounds
View our pedigrees by searching the Irish Wolfhound Database (iwdb.org) which is a wonderful tool for researching wolfhound ancestry.
To search type in their registered names:
"Windy Ridge Titan"
"Windy Ridge Ayla"
"Windy Ridge's Avery Blue"
"Beyond Yonder Isis" (Kate)
"Windy Ridge's Mighty Timber"

Our big boy is a gray brindle, standing 36 inches tall and strong. Sweet, laid back, gentle and loyal. On our walks, he gallops down the trails, but then returns to walk protectively beside his human the rest of the way.
Titan basks in petting and ear rubbing, but tending to a bit lazier, loves nothing more to than to flop down and take a long nap after outings.

Timber, our dark brindled male, who was born in 2015, is just coming into his own. Still playful and goofy, and still growing. A sweet boy who just enjoys life and people.

Our sweet girl has an outgoing personality and greets everyone enthusiastically, especially children. Intelligent and a bit mischievous too, she is keen for attention.
With lots of energy, she loves to run. The best part of her day is our daily walks around our 50 acres. Ayla is a gray wheaton with beautiful dark eyes.

Kate was born May 2014 in Nova Scotia and is our brindled, wheaton female. She has a sweet personality, but is also independent and confident -a good mix.

Avery is our dark female, born in April 2014. She is a laid back, happy-go-lucky personality, always ready to give affection. A smart girl, she easily lifts the latches on all the kennels with her nose- our very own Houdini!
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